LAST YEAR Fun for Spanish Teachers and Mundo de Pepita (us!) teamed up to bring you some SUMMER CAMP ACTIVITIES and as this school year comes to an end it occurred to us to write a sequel! (
Click here for last year's post!) EACH DAY this week we will post a new idea perfect for summer camps, Vacation Bible School, or an after school program!
BE SURE TO VISIT FUN FOR SPANISH TEACHERS to see today's post, too! And follow us both on Facebook so you never miss another great event! :)
One thing I love about summer camp is the extended time you have with students, especially younger ones with whom we elementary teachers often have only short bursts of time, which can really curtail the type of activities we can do. Here is today's activity that brings language and culture to your summer camp program:
*MAKE WORRY DOLLS: Use clothespins and yarn to make Guatemalan worry dolls... this project is best for older kids as winding the yarn can be a little challenging for small hands. I created a quick video tutorial which you can see here:
I think they come out pretty cute! Students can then describe them in Spanish, using colors and clothes vocabulary, or have them make up short dialogues with the dolls! And don't miss the opportunity to share a map of Guatemala or
a wonderful video such as this one!
*Making Agua Fresca
*Put on a Puppet Play (with free script!)
*Make a Paper Arpillera
*Play I'm going on a picnic and I'm the target language
I am very happy because I can get this good information
ReplyDeleteMaybe I will visit this blog again to find other interesting articles that might be useful and be able to help me in everything :D
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